Monday, July 2, 2012

Attempt at more frequent posts

So in an attempt to post more often, I've downloaded "blogger" for my phone. Who thinks it'll work and who thinks I'll still post infrequently. We'll see I guess! = )

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Nightmare of a Sunday

**TMI warning. If you don't want to read about it don't read this post. This is a journal for me as well as family to follow us.**

So last Sunday was the worst day of our lives. We never want to repeat that day if at all possible! We were expecting our sweet baby in September (not sure if I had blogged about it yet). Anyway, we were looking so forward to welcoming this new blessing into our lives.

Well, Friday started off normal until the evening. I started having some bleeding. This wasn't to concerning because I had a pocket of blood next to my amniotic sack. My doctor confirmed that and told me not to worry. Saturday the bleeding continued, and into Sunday. I woke up Sunday after sleeping in until 11:30am with some cramping. This is definitely something you DON'T want to experience while preggers. I texted my girlfriend and she urged me to go into the ER. I didn't want to of course because I would have to figure where to have my kids go, and I didn't want to come to grips just yet about what was actually happening.

John came in to discuss the grocery list and saw me leaning over our bed. I was hurting. John could tell. He came over and asked if I was ok, which of course I wasn't. He hugged me, told me we were going to the ER and it was non-negotiable. So John ran the kids to my friends, came home got me and headed to the ER. We got there and checked me in and got to our room. When we walked in, the nurse who was in the room asked, "so what's going on today?" I burst into tears. John told her we were thinking I was going through a miscarriage.

They got me into the gurney, I calmed down so I could answer questions and they did a fetal heart tones. Nothing. That was devastating. They kept saying that its hard to find and that they have a better machine. They were saying it could be a UTI. I knew it wasn't. While we were waiting for what came next (doctor's exam, pelvic etc.) I felt like I had to go to the bathroom, lots of pressure and cramps. I walked to the bathroom and as I walked in felt a gush. Luckily the nurse was already walking my way. She looked at me, I said help, she got me situated to get back to my room. As I walked into my room, the 2nd gush. My heart dropped. After the nurses got me cleaned up and into bed they had the doctor come in to do the pelvic. He confirmed that it was a complete miscarriage meaning I wouldn't need a D&C. Thankfully.

He was very sweet. John was amazing. I was a wreck. Once we were discharged and got home I stayed in bed for the rest of the night. John took off Monday and took care of me. My energy was zapped, I was mourning the loss of our baby, our future, our newest blessing and my kids were heartbroken, especially Brookie who kept saying; "I don't want the baby to leave." H.E.A.R.T.B.R.E.A.K.I.N.G.

It was an emotional week. For someone who doesn't cry, I sure cried A LOT. Now that we are a week out things seem a little more normal. I'm still sad and asking a million and ten questions but I know that this little one was only in my belly for 11 weeks 6 days for a reason. We will never forget our little peanut. We chose a name, Riley Vitus. We are getting tattoos for this baby. We never knew if it were a boy or a girl but we want to commemorate him/her. We will always have sweet Riley in our hearts. Thanks to everyone for listening (I'm a talker it helps me), for being there, your kind words, prayers, etc. They have meant the world to us!! We love you all!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Oops, its been WAY to long!

WOW, has it really been close to a year since I last posted? How embarrassing. I need to get back into the blogging world! I enjoy sharing and journal about our lives and knowing that I will have it to share with my family for years to come! A lot has happened but yet nothing that new and extraordinary.

Aidan is in 1st grade now and 6.5 years old! He loves school and is a natural born leader! He is constantly helping others and is "teaching" his sister how to do things. He is currently playing basketball and LOVES it!! Oh my word! He is quite the celebrator! He played soccer this fall and plays at every recess, or that's what he tells me. He'll play baseball (coach pitch) this year and he's excited to start again! Aidan is doing boy scouts as well and is enjoying it a lot as well!

Brooke is enjoying being a little mom and playing with her dolls all day. She is a fiery and moody little girl and very expressive! We love her little mood swings and are wondering what the teenage years will bring! We might be in trouble. She wants to do everything that her brother is doing. She plays at his basketball practice and wants to be out with him. She is our active little spitfire!! We just love it!

John is super busy as usual with UPS. Lay-offs have started and he has been laid off once so far this year (yesterday), and was then called in about 30 minutes later and asked to work. So I guess technically he wasn't laid off. I don't get it. He was out late and had a ton of work. They really needed him yet called him off?? I don't get it. He loves to play with our kids and is such a good daddy. I just wish we had more hours in our weekends because they fly by WAY to fast!!

As for me, I keep busy with the kids mostly, but also co-coordinating the Moppets program for our MOPS group. I also am still doing the childcare for the Womens bible study. I no longer am nannying which makes me sad because they were like family since I had been with them for 5 years, but kids grow-up and I am no longer needed. I am also keeping busy with my Arbonne business and growing and teaching others about how to keep themselves healthy and safe. I am striving to help educate others that what they are using is potentially causing them cancer! Scary thought.

Anyway, this was sort of an update on everything, and I am hoping to continue to update the blog but we shall see if that actually happens!! Hugs to you all! = )

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Easter 2011

This year we had a different Easter. It was just what the doctor ordered though. As you know the night before Brookie broke her foot, so we decided to scrap attempting Church on Easter morning with both kiddos, one who wasn't exactly mobile anymore. Instead we decided to leisurely get up and find and open baskets with the kids and then have a nice breakfast before heading over to Nana's.

John and I decided on a yummy omelet station. Or rather we decided to do "Mexican" omelets with all sorts of things that you usually find in a typical Mexican meal (or at least for us). We had hamburger meat that was seasoned, avocado, sour cream, mushrooms, onions, olives, salsa and more! We made them to order!! John asked us each what we wanted on our omelet and then made them. The kids had a simple cheese and meat omelet while John and I had all the fixings. It was SO good and SO big!!! Each omelet was ginormous!! I couldn't finish mine! I also made my "monkey bread," my name for Paula Deen's recipe for coffee cake. The kids LOVED it, as did John and I. We even had juice for breakfast. We don't have juice in our house typically so it was a special treat!

After breakfast we got ready and headed to my moms. It was relaxing and laid back over there too!! We just hung out, had a yummy meal and then hung out some more! By the time we were ready to go it was 6pm!! We came home and relaxed the rest of the night and then back to the grind on Monday. It was the perfect way to have a holiday!! Low key, no stress, and not a lot of craziness!! We loved it!! We were disappointed to not be able to go to John's parents house though. With Brooke's foot we decided that being in one location was probably the best idea. We didn't feel it was in her best interest to go all over the day after breaking a bone. They were disappointed (as were we) but understood too. Hope your Easter was wonderful and you were able to celebrate with family!

Influenza Type A (Swine Flu)

We can officially say that we have had the swine flu now and are no worse for wear! I started feeling icky on April 2nd with a cold. You know the kind, sore throat, stuffy, stuffed ears, ect. Sunday I woke up with a low grade fever and by that night it was about 103+. John wasn't working on Monday so he called my doctor and got me in. The doc examined me and determined it was a cold that had to run its course. Right before she left she said worse case scenario would be the flu. She said it was up to me to take the flu test and would be surprised if it came out positive. I took it and it was positive for Influenza Type A. I didn't realize it was Swine flu until I researched it later that day. Yikes!!! I was on Tamiflu which helped TONS!!

I ended up sleeping all day (and I mean ALL day) on Monday and Tuesday I felt a ton better. Still a bit feverish but nothing like I was. So, John was on Tamiflu too since he has asthma. By Wednesday night Aidan had come down with it too. I took him to the doctor and sure enough. Aidan had it less than me but still not as mild as I would hope for him. Brooke was next and she was less than Aidan on symptoms. They both had it for about 24-48 hours. John was the last to have it and he barely had any symptoms. I was a bit jealous. It was a long week in our household but we were so glad when we had all recovered.

If I had to choose what type of flu to have I definitely would choose this type because even though I felt horrible I didn't have the barfyness that sometimes accompanies the flu. I really hope no one has to go through this but it was nice to know that it was very common as of late (according to our pediatrician) and he had seen a ton of cases in the last two weeks. We still are getting the typical colds but nothing like the flu!! Hope everyone has stayed healthy this year!

Brooke's broken bone part 2

So, the ongoing saga. The ER asked us to follow up in a week with our pediatrician. I called on Monday and they suggested that since the placement of her break was hard to break that I should go to Children's Hospital Ortho. I made an appointment with Children's Ortho for 3 days later. LONGEST 3 days of my life!!!!! We ended up there at Children's on a Thursday at 6:30pm. My mom went with me so that I had a second set of years. Our doctor was FABULOUS!!!!! She was thorough and warm and friendly. She worked well with my shy and cautious little girl (cautious around people she's unfamiliar with). We determined that Brooke did not have a fracture in her foot (the cuneiform bone) but instead had a toddler fracture.

She determined this by manipulation of the foot and shin/lower leg. Also pressure on the foot and shin/lower leg. Brooke was almost smiling while she was pressing and twisting and examining her foot but once she moved to her shin/lower leg Brooke's face turned to concern. I hardly noticed. The doctor said this was exactly what she was looking for. No x-rays were needed since this is hard to see on an x-ray. I researched later and learned more about this type of fracture. The term they gave the type of fracture was called a toddler fracture.

So we had options. We could cast her, put a walking boot on her or do nothing and let it just be like nothing had ever happened. I was leaning toward casting until I saw the top of her foot and heal. She was developing sores where her skin was breaking down, sort of like bed sores. I felt badly for her. We decided to do nothing. We had a follow up in a week. By the time we went in, Brooke had just started walking again although a bit unsteady. The doc saw her was VERY impressed and said that Brooke was healing beautifully! We made yet another follow-up appointment for 3 weeks out. The docs exact words were...."make the appointment, if she's doing ok, don't come, just don't show up, no need to call and cancel. BUT if she's not doing better, I want to see her again!" We kept the appointment and just canceled it this morning since the appointment is this Thursday.

Brookie is acting like nothing ever happened!! I'm so happy that this wasn't anything that would affect her long term! The only thing that has happened since the foot incident was that she was grabbing a jar of strawberry jam (a full jar) of the counter and it fell and landed on her big toe. Her toe is colorful but not broken or anything. Poor girl was accident prone that few weeks!! Let's hope we have a long time between broken bones!!!

Brooke's broken bone part 1

Over the Easter weekend we wanted to have an outdoor egg hunt with Katie and her family and my mom at mom's house. Needless to say the weather didn't appear to want to cooperate on Easter Sunday. So mom called me while we were watching Aidan's t-ball game and asked if we could come over after for an impromptu egg hunt. Of course we were up for it. So we headed over to Nana's house and enjoyed playing outside until Katie got there with her family.

Once the eggs were placed, we all hunted and found eggs. It was a wonderful and fun filled hunt! The kids had a blast and I think Brookie finally started to understand the concept.....kind of. We'll get there.

We all hung out after the actual hunt for a few hours and we were getting ready to leave but first mom and I were swinging on her wooden swing out back and chatting with Katie. Next thing we knew, was that Brookie (who was playing right in front of us) started crying. We couldn't figure it out. She walked inside and was looking for John. We decided that was our cue to go home. She hadn't napped yet and it was 5:30 at night.

She fell asleep on the way home and we put her in her bed. John ran to the store because I was baking a ton of food for the next day. I had to clean the kitchen, make dinner, start baking what I could, and overall just pick up our house. Brookie woke up while John was gone. She was crying and wouldn't calm down. Not unusual for her some days. We cuddled and watched some TV while she tried waking up. I turned on Caillou for her and went to work on dinner some more. She then tried to come to me.

She walked a few feet and then crawled the rest of the way. I tried to get her to walk but she freaked out. I knew then that we had a problem. So I frantically tried to call John to no avail. When he finally walked through the front door with his arms full of groceries I didn't even say hi, my first words were "something is wrong with Brooke's foot/leg and you need to take her to the ER right now!" He looked at me like what the heck. I explained further and he tried to get her to walk, again to lots of tears. So, he took her and I was a wreck at home waiting. I hate not knowing and having to wait for answers. He kept me up to speed with texts and picture messages but still it wasn't the same. I was antsy. I kept family and friends up to speed on Facebook but it still wasn't enough.

Aidan didn't want to go to bed until he was able to see Brooke so he stayed up. John finally texted saying it was a broken foot. AHHHHHH!!!! I couldn't believe it!! Doesn't surprise me that my daring child would have the first break but I felt awful!!! I felt like a bad mom even though it could happen to anyone. They came home and she had a wonderful pink splint and wrap on. That was a chore to keep on. She slept well and did fairly well with it. Stay tuned for the rest of the saga!